MRP (Minimum Resale Price) Policy

Dear Retailer,

This letter serves as an announcement of our resale policy with respect to our products (all Armanov products, hereinafter “products”) sold at retail throughout the United States and Europe. We do not and will not make our products available to retailers who price them below our minimum price, which is less than is visible on our site (excluding special offers) or

We also will not make available to our distributors any marketing funds or promotional programs for the purpose of promoting products that are priced below the price(s) set forth in this policy. We have determined this policy is necessary in the competitive marketplace for the following reasons: 

Pricing our products below our minimum resale price (or cost) is a predatory practice that is harmful to our brand image and undermines our marketing efforts with respect to our brand(s).

Pricing our products below our minimum resale price (or cost) causes a decrease in sales of our products by other retailers and wholesalers that cannot match such predatory pricing. 

Pricing our products below our minimum resale price (or cost) is an unfair business practice that threatens to decrease competition in the marketplace, to the detriment of our customers.

This minimum resale policy is non-negotiable. You are free to decide whether to follow this policy or not. This policy does not constitute an agreement between us and you, and we are not seeking a response from you. This policy applies to all retailers that sell our products through-out the United States and Europe. 

Armanov d.o.o.